NEANIAS presented at InnoWorld 2020: innovation out of compulsion or the crisis hardens.

Online, 04/07/2020.

At Innoworld 2020, several conference speakers analyzed how the situation in the coronavirus epidemic is affecting the pace of digital transformation already underway in the industries, with NEANIAS representatives among them.

Róbert Lovas, Deputy Director of Sztaki and collaborator of NEANIAS Project, for example, described the Cloud-based research platform of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, on which academics build innovative solutions for dealing with emergencies - epidemics or other adverse effects on humans. Gábor Bojár, President of Graphisoft Park, explained how events such as the Covid-19 pandemic are giving new impetus to the IT revolution, which is fundamentally changing our lives, our work, our relationship with each other and even the development of man as a biological being.

The event was held in Hungarian.

A mostanihoz hasonló járványok százai söpörtek már át a világon, a digitális technológia azonban még egyetlen alkalommal sem töltött be olyan fontos szerepet a védekezésben, mint most. Lapunk InnoWorld online konferenciáján olyan szakemberek cseréltek véleményt, akik az innovációban találtak vagy kínálnak választ az utóbbi hónapok nagy kérdéseire.

For more details about the event, please visit:



EU Flag  NEANIAS is a Research and Innovation Action funded by European Union under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme via grant agreement No.863448.