NEANIAS is proud to have the following External Advisory Board:
- Dr. Jorge Sanchez-Papaspiliou. Member of the si-Cluster Steering Board, Chief Strategy & Financial Officer, Corallia, the Innovation Unit of ATHENA
- M.Sc. Yan Grange. LOFAR Software Developer, member of Science Data Centre at ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy.
- Dr. Javier Escartin. Head of the Marine Geosciences Group, Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris.
- Prof. Paul D. Williams. Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of Reading, UK.
- Dr. Sofia Vallecorsa. Computer Engineer, AI and Quantum researcher at CERN openlab.
- Dr. Paolo Diviacco. Coordinator of the OGS DIAM-PROS unit, Vice-director of the RIMA (marine research and technologies) department of the OGS.
- Dr. Vicki Ferrini. Marine Geology & Geophysics - Columbia University – USA.
- Dr. Bianca Amaro. Coordinator of the Brazilian Open Science Program at the Brazilian Institute of Science and Technology Information (IBICT), President of the Federated Network of Institutional Repositories of Scientific Publications (LA Referencia).
- M.Sc. Judit Fazekas – Paragh. Head of Education and Research Support Department in University of Deberecen, University and National Library / NOAD of Hungary.