NEANIAS Atmosphere services aim to address operational studies related to the atmosphere and engineering tasks to involve diverse user communities linked to the atmosphere. The sectors they target include, among others, meteorologists, industrial air pollutant emitters, ecologists, rural urban planners and air quality authorities, geohazards, civil protection, insurance or health agencies.

NEANIAS offers the following Atmosphere services on the EOSC platform:

  • The Greenhouse Gases Flux Density Monitoring service delivers an operational workflow for estimating flux density and fluxes of gases, aerosol, energy from data obtained from specifically set meteorological stations, validated towards standardized, regularized processes.
  • The Atmospheric Perturbations and Components Monitoring service performs all required analytics of atmospheric and meteorological data in order to estimate possible correlations of gaseous and particulate components of the atmosphere with earthquake and volcanic processes.
  • The Air Quality Estimation, Monitoring and Forecasting service delivers a novel cloud-based solution providing crucial information and products to a variety of stakeholder in agriculture, urban/ city authorities, health, insurance agencies and relative governmental authorities.



EU Flag  NEANIAS is a Research and Innovation Action funded by European Union under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme via grant agreement No.863448.