NEANIAS presented at Milano Digital Week.

Milano & online, 18/03/2021.

NEANIAS project participated in the Milano Digital Week, aimed at presenting digital solutions to the world challenges.

The event included the conference titled “NEANIAS Project: From cloud services for open science to sustainability” aims to present the project, its services, and some under-the-hood technologies, and counts on the participation of University of Milano-Bicocca, INAF, MEEO, GARR and Ubiwhere, all of them NEANIAS partners. The event was held in Italian.


  • Introduction to the NEANIAS project (Giuseppe Vizzari - UNIMIB).
  • Thematic services for open science: Cloud services for astrophysics (Eva Sciacca - INAF); Planetary Science data on the Cloud: a small step for a scientist, a huge leap for the European Open Science Cloud community (Simone Mantovani - MEEO); How open science can help smart cities to become sustainable (Ricardo Vitorino - UBIWHERE).
  • Technologies "under the hood": An open cloud to support open science (Claudio Pisa - GARR); AI services for scientific research (Thomas Cecconello - UNIMIB).

For more details about the event, please visit Milano Digital Week.

For all the details about NEANIAS Conference, the programme and the speakers, please visit the NEANIAS conference page.


EU Flag  NEANIAS is a Research and Innovation Action funded by European Union under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme via grant agreement No.863448.