
Mema Roussopoulos is Project Coordinator for NEANIAS Project. She gives us her view about the project and the challenges it faces, and comments with us on various topics regarding science, research, society, actuality, and even classical history.


This year's largest event organised by the EOSC Executive & Governing Boards with the support of the EOSC Secretariat project will go virtual on 19-22 October 2020. It's a very good opportunity for NEANIAS to explain and share our challenges and our proposal to the EOSC Community.


INAF, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (Italy), is presenting the NEANIAS Space Astrophysics challenges at the Computing Conference 2020, 16-17 July. Initially it should to be held in London, but finally it has been moved to a virtual format due to CODIV-19 emergency.

EU Flag  NEANIAS is a Research and Innovation Action funded by European Union under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme via grant agreement No.863448.