Delivery Activities Methodology and Plan successfully submitted.


Deliverable “D7.1 Delivery Activities Methodology and Plan” has successfully submitted.

Since NEANIAS aims at contributing to the materialization of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) by delivering innovative thematic services in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space research sectors, this document focuses on recommendations and procedures to effectively deliver, operate and monitor NEANIAS services, to integrate them with the EOSC ecosystem and to access the related facilities and infrastructures.

The service management processes that are there proposed are based on the FitSM standard, and address the management of the NEANIAS service portfolio, related agreed service levels, software release processes, as well as incidents and customer relationship. Tools and guidelines are then provided to support software development, testing, release, deployment and documentation activities. To the same aim, software licensing issues are also covered.

To support NEANIAS services during their operation, processes and tools covering feedback and issue tracking are described too, along with monitoring, alerting and quality metrics gathering facilities and guidelines. Finally, a work plan regarding the delivery of the NEANIAS services in the following months is reported.



EU Flag  NEANIAS is a Research and Innovation Action funded by European Union under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme via grant agreement No.863448.