Innovation and technology for a green, digital and fair recovery.


On Monday 2 of November 2020, the European Partnership for the Transition to Sustainability (EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece, SDSN Greece and ReSEES AUEB) organized a virtual event “Innovation and technology for a green, digital and fair recovery” with all the representatives of the Greek Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), under the auspices of the Goulandris Museum of Natural History, European Institute of Innovation and Technology, the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Ministry of Development and Investment.

ΑΤΗΕΝΑ RC, NEANIAS partner and leader in the EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece  was actively participated in the event by its President and General Director, Yannis Ioannidis.

Read the full article Innovation and technology for a green, digital and fair recovery.

EU Flag  NEANIAS is a Research and Innovation Action funded by European Union under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme via grant agreement No.863448.