NEANIAS in EOSC Working Groups.

We are proud to announce that Eleni Petra, Project Manager and Georgios Kakaletris, Technical Manager of NEANIAS project, became recently members of the EOSC Training and Skills Working Group and the Architecture Working Group respectively.

The Skills and Training working group work on building competence (skills) and capabilities (training) for EOSC. The goal is to provide a framework for a sustainable training infrastructure to support EOSC in all its phases and ensure its uptake. The working group consult and converge with existing initiatives and H2020 EOSC projects to agree upon key components for skills development and training, determine how these can be embedded in different levels of EOSC (institutional, national, EU), and identify what structures are needed to make EOSC a viable success (sustainability).

The Architecture activity proposes the technical framework required to enable and sustain an evolving EOSC federation of systems. Such a technical framework may include standards, APIs and protocols that will facilitate interoperable services delivered by diverse providers.

It is a recognition of his career and good work in the NEANIAS project. Congratulations Eleni and Georgios!

You can learn more at EOSC Secretariat site:




EU Flag  NEANIAS is a Research and Innovation Action funded by European Union under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme via grant agreement No.863448.