Online, 10/12/2020.

A pandemic caused by a coronavirus is not the only challenge health care directly, but also protective equipment and medical also for companies manufacturing  devices. ELKH Cloud is a flexible IT services, expert team with domestic virus researchers and international in cooperation with partners in both areas to fight COVID-19.

As part of the lecture, students learn about achieved results from Róbert Lovas, Deputy Director of SZTAKI and Neanias Project collaborator, with the conference: The role of the ELKH science cloud during the COVID-19 pandemic”.


At the last Science Meetup of the year, Online Budapest Science Meetup proposed two exciting presentations. The first guest was Róbert Lovas, Deputy Director of SZTAKI, who talked about the application of their cloud platform during the coronavirus epidemic. Afterwards, Petra Szili, a member of the Experimental Evolutionary Biology Group of the Szeged Biological Research Center, talked about the past, present and future of antibiotics.

The event was be held in Hungarian.

Az év utolsó Science Meetup-ján ismét két izgalmas előadással várunk titeket. Első vendégünk Lovas Róbert, a SZTAKI igazgatóhelyettese lesz, aki a cloud platformjuk koronavírus járvány alatti alkalmazásáról beszél majd. Utána pedig Szili Petra, a Szegedi Biológiai Kutatközpont Kísérleti Evolúcióbiológiai Csoportjának munkatársa beszél majd az antibiotikumok múltjáról, jelenéről és jövőjéről.

For more details about the event, please visit: Online Budapest Science Meetup - December.

EU Flag  NEANIAS is a Research and Innovation Action funded by European Union under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme via grant agreement No.863448.